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List networks



Get a paginated list of networks.


Currently, there is a limit of one network per Defined Networking account.

Token scope required: networks:list


Query Parameters

    includeCounts boolean

    If true, return count of total records and current page start and count in metadata

    Default value: false
    cursor string

    Cursor value at which to start the results, provided in nextCursor or prevCursor of a prior request

    Example: bmV4dA.eyJsb2dzLmNyZQ5iIiwiX3ZhbHVlIjo9In19
    pageSize integer

    Possible values: <= 500

    Number of records to return in each page

    Default value: 25


Successful operation




  • Array [

  • id string
    cidr ipv4/cidr
    organizationID string
    signingCAID string

    The ID of the Certificate Authority being used.

    createdAt date-time
    name string
    Default value: Network1
    lighthousesAsRelays boolean
  • ]

  • metadata


    totalCount integer

    The total number of resources existing in the account

    hasNextPage boolean

    Is there a page of data that can be fetched using the nextCursor?

    hasPrevPage boolean

    Is there a page of data that can be fetched using the prevCursor?

    nextCursor string

    An opaque string that can be used to fetch the next page of results. Not provided if result set is empty.

    prevCursor string

    An opaque string that can be used to fetch the next page of results. Not provided if result set is empty.



    count integerrequired

    The number of results returned in the response.

    start integerrequired

    The zero-based index of the first result within the overall list. For example, the first page will have a start of 0. If 25 results are fetched, and the nextCursor used to fetch a new page of results, the second request's start will be 25.
